
'Watan ko Jano': Youth Delegation from Jammu and Kashmir attends programme

26 Dec 2023: A youth delegation from Jammu and Kashmir attending the program ‘Watan ko Jano’ called on the President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhavan today (December 25, 2023).

Youth Delegation from Jammu and Kashmir attends 'watan ko jano' programme
Youth Delegation from Jammu and Kashmir attends the 'watan ko jano' program

Addressing the members of the delegation, the President said that the purpose of the ‘Watan ko Jano’ program is to make them aware of the country's art, culture, civilization, and development work taking place in the country. They must have realized during the tour that we speak different languages, wear different clothes, and adopt different lifestyles, but, we are one. This unity is our real strength. We have to strengthen it further.

The President noted that after the removal of Article 370, there has been unprecedented progress in the development of Jammu and Kashmir. The Government of India and the local administration are working together for the progress of the people. Technology is being used extensively in governance for the benefit of the common people. Moving towards digital Jammu and Kashmir, the administration has taken important initiatives to make the governance future-ready. She said that effective delivery and transparency are the basis of good governance. She was happy to note that with this thought more than 1100 government services have been made online which are in the interest of the general public.

The President said that the youth of Jammu and Kashmir want to fulfill their dreams by becoming a part of the mainstream of India. But even today, some elements do not want Kashmir to progress due to vested interests. However, the way the government is investing in infrastructure, technology, and education for the progress of Jammu and Kashmir, the day is not far when Jammu and Kashmir will present the ideal of progress in India.

The President urged members of the youth delegation to take advantage of the developmental efforts being made by the government. She said that by doing this, new paths of progress will open in their life. She advised them to stay away from drugs, anti-social elements, and negative publicity for their bright future. She said that democracy provides fair opportunities to everyone, they just have to believe in it and move forward with dedication and hard work.

Empowering Youth: Jammu and Kashmir's 'Watan Ko Jano' Journey

Youth Delegation from Jammu and Kashmir Attends 'Watan Ko Jano' Programme: Highlights and Takeaways

A youth delegation from Jammu and Kashmir recently attended the 'Watan Ko Jano' program, where they interacted with the President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu. The program aimed to provide a platform for the youth to engage with the President and discuss their concerns, ideas, and aspirations. Here are some highlights and takeaways from the event:

- The youth delegation from Jammu and Kashmir was allowed to call on the President, showcasing the importance of their contributions and perspectives.

- The program featured interactive sessions, allowing the youth to ask questions and engage in meaningful conversations with the President.

- The event was marked by a warm and cordial atmosphere, with the President showing genuine interest in the concerns and ideas of the young delegates.


- The 'Watan Ko Jano' program demonstrated the government's commitment to involving the youth in decision-making processes and fostering a sense of inclusion and participation.

- The interaction between the youth delegation and the President highlighted the importance of dialogue and collaboration in addressing the challenges faced by Jammu and Kashmir.

- The event served as a platform for the youth to showcase their leadership skills, confidence, and passion for various issues, inspiring others to take an active role in society.

Overall, the 'Watan Ko Jano' program was a significant event that brought the President and the youth of Jammu and Kashmir together, fostering a sense of hope and unity for a brighter future.

Watan Ko Jano

Youth Exchange Program

Jammu and Kashmir

National Integration

Youth Empowerment

Cultural Diversity

Development Initiatives

President Interaction

Article 370

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[1] https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=1990297

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_GkjbYBpto

[3] https://twitter.com/AdityaRajKaul/status/1739354164575289508

[4] https://youtube.com/watch?v=J_GkjbYBpto

[5] https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/pm-modi-interacts-with-students-from-j-k-under-watan-ko-jano-programme-101703417823628.html

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