09 Feb 2023: The goal of the “My Name, My Identity” initiative, is to build a more inclusive, respectful culture by asking educators and community members to make a pledge honoring students, neighbors, and co-workers' identities by promising to learn how to pronounce their names correctly.
The Following Hindi Poetry मेरी पहचान written by Kajal Sah from Kolkata. She said to think about the identity that you intend to cultivate and choose a name that fits with your vision for the new you. You may have connotations about certain names: tough, sweet, adventurous, etc. Pick a name that helps you become who you want to become. Name yourself after someone inspiring, she said.
She said, I exist because of you, every life starts with you, you are the source of life, and every sweet talk, It's from you. If you do something in a work you must highlight and be identified.
She tries to say everything your smile, courage, heart, and every breath of mine are the identity of my existence.
"You" Means the attitudes of a person are the identity of men. What is an Identity Poem? The word 'identity is often defined as “the qualities, beliefs, characteristics... that distinguish or identify a person or thing”. In other words, identity is your description. It is the set of traits you use to present yourself to the world.
Simply speaking, identity is a combination of your physical and behavioral traits that define who you are. For example, your name is part of your identity, as is the form and color of your eyes and your fingerprint. This set of characteristics allows you to be definitively and uniquely recognizable. Captain Rati Kanta Boro
How is my name my identity? कविता: मेरी पहचान |
कविता : मेरी पहचान
मेरा अस्तित्व तुझसे है
जीवन की हर शुरुआत तुझसे है
जीवन की उमंग तुझसे है
हर मीठी बातें
तुझसे है।
मेरी मुस्कान तू है
मेरी पहचान तू है
मेरी हिम्मत तू है
मेरी साहस तू है
मेरी दिल की
हर धड़कन तू है
मेरी साँसो की हर
सांस तू है
मेरी अस्तित्व की पहचान तू है।
जीवन की जीत तू है
जीवन की उत्साह तू है
हर बिखरे वर्णों की
हर वर्ण तू है
मेरी हर कविताओं की
हर कविता तू है
मेरी हर शायरी की
अल्फाज़ तू है
मेरी हर कहानियों की
प्रमुख पात्र तू है
मेरी ऊर्जा की शक्ति तू है
मेरी हर जीत की
आरम्भ तू है
मेरी हर सबेरे की
पहली किरण तू है
मेरे हर दर्द की
निवारण तू है
मेरी पहचान तू है
मेरी अस्तित्व तू है।
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