
Admission Process in Newly Approved Sainik Schools begins


New Delhi: With the declaration of the result of e-counseling on 21 May 2022 on the portal sainikschool.ncog.gov.in/ecounselling, Sainik Schools Society has moved one more step ahead in the direction of the Government’s aim of setting up 100 new Sainik Schools in partnership mode throughout the country.

Sainik Schools
Admission Process in Newly Approved Sainik Schools begins

Sainik Schools Society (SSS) through the automated system for the conduct of e-Counselling where at least 40% of seats in these newly approved Sainik Schools, will be filled by candidates already qualified in AISSEE-22, has declared the first provisional list of 485 shortlisted candidates in 10 newly approved Sainik Schools. 

Portal for admission into new Sainik Schools

The portal for admission into new Sainik Schools with whom the Sainik Schools Society has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was activated from 08 May to 14 May 2022, wherein 12000 All India Sainik Schools Entrance Exam (AISSEE-2022) qualified candidates got themselves registered for the e-counseling. Candidates can see results and further instructions related to admission on the portal   https://sainikschool.ncog.gov.in/ecounselling

The candidates had the option to select up to 10 schools for allocation. Subsequently, based on the rank and priority of the students for the schools, automated allocation of students for the schools was carried out whereafter the provisionally shortlisted candidate is required to accept the allotment. 

Proceed for the admission formalities

Proceed for the admission formalities or indicate the option to be considered for Round II of Counselling or unwillingness for further consideration. Dates for physical verification at the respective School level will be intimated to the candidates who have accepted/locked their choices by the approved new Sainik Schools to the candidates.

Seats not filled after the specified date of completion of Round-I will be filled through Round II of counseling for which the dates will be announced in the Portal.

Besides the above, up to 60% of students will be admitted from eligible students already studying in the Newly approved Sainik School and desirous of taking admission in the 6th standard of Sainik School pattern in their concerned school. For such students, a separate qualifying admission test (New Sainik Schools Entrance Examination-NSSEE-22) will be held by National Testing Agency (NTA) shortly. This admission test will be on a similar pattern as that of the India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination.

The registration process

The registration process for the admission of such eligible students already studying in these newly approved Sainik Schools and desirous of admission to the Sainik school vertical in their concerned school will be opened shortly and the date of admission test will be announced through the NTA portal.

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