
Assam: What is the future of HS 1st year students of Assam?


What is the future of HS 1st year students of Assam?

What is the future of HS 1st year students of Assam?

The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) will not hold its HS first year examination this year due to the nationwide lockdown, imposed by the Union Government to check the spread of novel coronavirus. The Council revealed that it will directly promote the Class XI students to the second year. The HS first year examination was scheduled for March 25 to April 10. The Council will formally announce the decision on April 10,  Chairman Dayananda Borgohain informed its to media.

Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) has released routine for the Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) examination on January 6. HSLC practical examinations will be held on March 4 and 5, and the theory exams will be held from May 11 to June 1, 2021.

State's Finance, Health, and Education Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on January 2 took to Twitter and make the announcement of both HSLC and HS examination. He wrote, "ANNOUNCEMENT HSLC & HS examinations, 2021 will be conducted as follows:-

1. High School leaving certificate examination from 11th May.

2. Higher Secondary examination from 12th May Result of HSLC & HS examinations will be declared within 7th and 30th July respectively."

In the state of Assam, there are many schools which are affiliated to the AHSEC apart from CBSE. In class 12th there are many students studying in these schools. All these students are curious for their Assam HS Routine 2021. They are anxiously searching everywhere online for Assam Board class 12th Exam Scheme 2021. The controller of examination of Assam Board will release the date sheet for the class 12th exam as per their schedule.

Assam Higher Secondary Education Council is the regulatory and authoritative body in the state of Assam for higher secondary exams. It is known by its abbreviation called as AHSEC. 

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